Family Law


Family law is a law used for the  domestic relations, these is why it is also called as a laws of domestic relations and matrimonial laws. This law is developed to dealing  with the family issuses and domestic matters. Issues and Affairs which comes under a nation’s body of family law are:  Marriage relationships, civil union and Domestic partnerships

Domestic Partnerships:-Entry into officially cooperated spousal and domestic relationships. The termination of officially cooperated family relationships and ancillary matters are:-

  1. Divorce
  2. Annulment
  3. Property settlements
  4. Alimony
  5. child custody
  6. Visitation
  7. Child support
  8. Alimony awards


Adoption: The process for adopting  a child and in some cases adopting an adult.

Surrogacy: The process of giving birth to the other parent’s child as a surrogate mother.

Paternity: These are the proceedings for founding and re-founding the paternity and the administration of paternity tests.

Child protective proceedings: These are court proceedings which can resulting from state intervention in the issuses where child’s are abusing and neglecting.

Juvenile law: Matters and affairs are regarding the minors like,

  1. Status offenses
  2.  Delinquency
  3.  Emancipation
  4. Juvenile adjudication


The order for the issues arised in family as per the family law are accredited and recognised under the laws of another jurisdiction. The laws of the jurisdiction which are apply to the affairs like:- Child’s custody, Divorce and marriage or legal relationships.

In cases of child custody, numerous nations are interlinked with the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspection of International Child Abduction. This means, it has granted accredition to the other states, which can used for custody orders to avoid issues of parental kidnapping.

Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney

Many of the personal family lawyers are representing their clients in divorce proceedings and other affairs regarding the divorce. But family law is a type of practice area which includes  the issues of divorce and custody as the foster care and reproductive rights.

Futhermore, family law issuses are very close to home, so the person is required to have a trusted official professional by their side, so it can helpful for him/her to ensure their loved ones are properly protected and far away during any legal process.

About Justice Ensure

Justice Ensure is one of the leading corporate law firm in Gurgaon the Justice Ensure has one of the finest team all of them all are expert in field of corporate services and in order to maintain your service flow lenient and ensures the smooth running of operations.

Justice Ensure is rated as the topmost Cooperated Firms regarding Laws in Gurgaon. Our firm always tried for serving the best law facilities to their clients. Our committed corporate team is representing to numerous international and domestic firms in many different service sectors.  We recruited the best corporate team for our Corporate Law Firm in Gurgaon. Our Firm is also known for its best strategy plans and the formation of Layout.

Strategies are developed by performing the case study and in this field we all know that first step towards the case is the study of the case which helps our all  team  members of  the  Corporate Law Firm In Gurgaon to get to  know about the tips and tricks which the team members have to take as the key strategies for their case studies. Our team develop the best winning plans regarding the study of cases. Our Corporate Law Firm in Gurgaon is also having a experienced legal advisers to the corporates who can give best guidance and advisories to the clients.